Do you want me to reveal to you a secret? Create your own website is much easier than you think and blame new technologies and programs. Do you think this requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. None of this is now a site can and 10-year-old child. Let me tell you how to do it. All methods of creating the site can be divided into three categories. The last two ways of doing this is the very new technologies and programs.

You can: 1) create a site manually, using HTML, CSS, PHP; 2) to use site builder, and 3) to the website content management system (CMS). Let's look at each option individually, and try to find out its features. 1) HTML – hypertext markup language is. We typing a set of rules and get a nice web page. Let's just say that this is the most time consuming way to create a website. To see this, simply open the code even a little html-page and see how many written there. It is not easy to type as much code, even if you will use html-editor, is not it? If this code needed to change something, can you imagine how long this can go? 2) Design the site – this program that allows you to create templates from your own site.

First of all, such programs can be divided into two groups: – Off-line designers – can work without an Internet connection. Only when this connection you need – this is when you want to publish your site in the network or make changes to an already running site. – On-line designers – here is the opposite. Entire site creation process takes place directly on the web. The possibilities of such programs, the greater the more you pay for them. If you'll use the free version, you risk severely disappointed.