Tag Archives: economy


Better Solutions

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The jobs part teams are one take refuge frequent when it is needed to join some money. However what many forget it is that already we are in absolute century XXI, and already today possible to gain money in ways very varied, we go to put the jobs part side teams. Hear other arguments on the topic with Danny Meyer. If to catch in the model of the United States, Canada or the United kingdom, verify that it has a good part of the population that lives of incomes online. For us, this always seemed to be thing of films or great magnates type Bill Gates. But this is not truth, the Internet is full of chances, and, normally who repairs in the small details is who obtains to win and to gain much money. Good the OnlineUma Marketing option to the jobs part teams, is for example to make marketing online, thousand of people whom nothing they knew concerning construction of sites are today, can say, much, but very rich.

The marketing online consists, of a simplified form, in making sales online, and as it is that this can be made? Good, we have that to look some necessity in the people, to discover something that the people are made use to buy online. To look the product that will solve this problem and to promote it. Daqui we go to receive our commission (in the Clickbank on average it walks the return of the 30/40$ for sales). She has people with sets of ten of campaigns (to promote sets of ten of products) and with sets of ten of daily sales. Clearly that is made with very work, but for most of these people hobby started for being one, one part teams, later they had started to dedicate this in time entire activity to it because they gained much more money of what in the 9 jobs of ace or in the 5 jobs part teams.


The City

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One in each three inhabitants possesss vehicle, given of the DENATRAN. In the social programs FUNDHAS and CEPHAS are distinguished it. Another prominence for city is the system of culture, managed for the Foundation Cassiano Ricardo, that has as the one of the prominences Symphonic Orchestra of Is Jose of the Fields, beyond many cultural projects that take care of thousand of people every year, with national and international participants. With a population of 615.871 inhabitants in 2009 according to IBGE, the city it has 98.78% of the inhabitants in the city, the life expectancy already passes of 74 years. The respect to the aged one for the Public Agency is one of the marks of the city, with action effective, clearly that for this beyond the house of the aged one, of social projects of support a system of efficient health exists, with almost 200 establishments of health installed in the city, beyond being a city reference to some types of medical treatments. The City hall of Is Jose of the Fields has a well equipped system, folloied of continuous managements of some successful administrations had eliminated good part of the risks in the city, congealing and finishing with good part of the slum quarters, creating an infrastructure of water draining for rains that the volume of floods more than diminished in 70%, when compared it has fifteen years in the past. The city was 2 bigger exporter of the country, in 2010 fell for 4 rank in the comparison of 1 Quadrimestre of this year with equal period of the passed year, US$ 1,407 billion, the first one of this year is Cove of the Kings (US$2,534 billions), according to So Paulo (US$ 1,767 billion) and third Maca-RIO DE JANEIRO (US$ 1.441 billion). The city also is one strong employer in the sector of Telemarketing. The city also counts on 3 polar regions of incubadoras of companies, a Technological Polar region with Center of Conventions, one of the biggest technological scientific polar regions of Latin America. Between them the ITA? Aeronautical Technological institute; the IAE? Institute of Aeronautics and Space; IEA? Institute of Advanced Studies; Institute of Industrial Promotion; Institute of Protection to the Flight; INPE? Institute National of Space Research; CTA? Command-Generality de Aerospace Tecnologia; UNIFESP; FATEC; UNESP? State university of So Paulo; Institute of P& D of the VALLEY? Valley Solutions and Energy – VSE; IPT; LNCC? National laboratory of Scientific Computation; Genius? Institute of Technology; FAPESP; CECOMPI? Center for Competitiveness and Innovation of the Cone So Paulo East; Center of Innovation of MICROSOFT Brazil; amongst others. Concluding the city it counts on an excellent infrastructure of public attendance, exactly suffering still with the question of the job, violence and urban occupation with the real estate explosion is still a city of many chances.


Japanese Capital

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With the intensification in the decade of 90 of the process of the capital and the productive globalization, the world of transofmrative deep changes. There the model of production in this new context is not alone ofordismo and the taylorismo, adds the toyotismo, Japanese model queconsegue to very explicitar well this new phase of exploration of the capitalism. Notoyotismo the laborers are multipurpose, divided in work groups eassim they compete between team and itself. With this model intitui one maiorcontrole between workers and a bigger envolvement of the worker in the seuofcio: thus the great effect of the toyotismo is to articulate in original way capitalist decoero and the laboring assent. It is joined this model aautomao, the robotics and microelectronics provoking a revolution tecnolgicaque goes to especially cause to transformations in the world the work and in the classeoperria.

He is well-known to perceive that all these aspects modify aforma of being of the proletariat in the measure that flexibiliza the unit manufacter, disconcentrates the production and involves the force of work in the management provoking um’ ‘ estranhamento’ ‘ of the work. Leading belief of that produtividade objective common to all, however does not disappear the subordinaocapital-subjectivity of the work, its conscience of classroom, affecting assimseus organisms of fight. It is in this scope that if inserts the unions. The unions that a fight history has in 80 years, being many times victorious, had become in years 90 less offensive avanodo capital, regredindosua already limited action of classroom defense. This novosindicalismo called for Giovanni Alves of neocorporativista unionism temuma inversion of values that leave to demand against the model of acumulaocapitalista in favor of the classroom direction to adapt to the capital and suasestratgias. ‘ ‘ The fight for the social control of the production, presentecomintensidade in the decade of 60/70, the Europe and in such a way other moments of the diligent fought ones seems each more distant time.