Tag Archives: government and politics


Motion Mountain

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Years of Lead, it walks quieter and he does not bind more. Therefore, I decided to bind and to see what it is happening. It said that he continues in the battle to emplacar its Column: Mico, Lino and that it studied proposal of New York Times, but in the test article changed the name of the Obama for Osama and the foreigners had not come back to bind. I asked as they walked the too much things and it he told what he follows. He said that he has thing that only he happens exactly in state, that it calls abandonment, that is So Paulo, that is makes 15 years, but seems not to learn, under mismanagement and good pedagiado for the U.T.I (Tucana Unit of Intelligence ).

The Lynno remembered that it has left of the Rodoanel for the Coast was set free to pressas, with toll alone stops after the Elections, but this, and others coisinhas that Motion Mountain range Uncle deceived me to Mountain range, spoke that it went to have two professors and does not have none. The boy questioned Lynno when seeing a periodical photo with the Shock troop and the Cavalry of the Military Policy restraining with bombs of gas and cassetetes the manifestation of professors strikers. Lynno, that does not have nor for the son of six years, said that policemen in such a way as professors work for the people and are badly paid for the governing Mountain range. summarized: is declared insolvent beating in badly paid, son. The government says that it does not have strike, does not leave helicopter with TV camera to show walk; at last democracy is not thing that Toucan likes or respects, prefers the bread and the circus of merenda of 20 cents Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist of the Assessorship of the Press of the City hall of Sumar email: edsonsilvajornalista@ yahoo.com.br>


Supreme Federal Court

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Introduction, 2-Concept of public office; 3 – Constitutional recital; 4-Characterization of the public office: 4,1 Accessibility to all the Brazilians; 4,2 Denomination and attributions prprias.4.3 Elective offices 5 – Measured of security Former-President of the Republic; 6-Conclusion Introduction: The objective of this work is to analyze, beyond the legal nature of Position of the President and Vice-president of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especificadamente the denomination of this position, face the recent election of the candidate Mrs. Edilma Russef. Subjects as this have been argued and analyzed in the Free courses of Continued Education of Prof. PaulODiniz. It sees in.

2-Concept of public office the public office is the set of attributions and responsibilities foreseen in the legislation that must be committed to the public server constitutional 3-Recital accessible positions to the Brazilians and the foreigners the positions, jobs and public offices are accessible to the Brazilians who fill the requirements established in law, as well as the foreigners in the form of the law (interpolated proposition I of art. 37, C.F. Amended). Art. 12 3 Is privative of born Brazilians the positions: I? of President and Vice-president of the Republic; 4-Characterization of the public office the public offices have proper denomination, paid expiration for the public coffers, provisions in effective character, commission, or elective offices, being accessible to all Brazilians who fill the requirements established in law, as well as the foreigners in the form of the law.

4,1 Accessibility to all the Brazilians who take care of to the requirements foreseen in law as well as the foreigners in the form of the law. Positions exist that only can be filled by born Brazilians. The Constitution establishes that they are privative of born Brazilian, the positions: of President and Vice-president of the Republic, of Speaker of the house; of President of the Federal Senate; of Minister of the Supreme Federal Court; of Minister of the Defense; of the Career Diplomatics and of Officer of the Armed Forces.


National Federacy

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act in the Brazilian territory travestidos of attachs consulares. The information was confirmed to the Leaf for members of the Fenapep (National Federacy of the Federal Policemen), for directors of the Union of the Commission agents of Federal Policy of the State of So Paulo and even though for a former-director of the FBI in Brazil, the Portuguese with North American citizenship and Brazilian Carlos Alberto Coast. The function of attachs consulares of the sector of intelligence of the government of George W. Bush, to a great extent, is to co-opt Brazilian policemen and commission agents (federal and state), military policemen, entrepreneurs, lawyers and until journalists so that these professionals supply given so that actions of interest of U.S.A. occur in our country.

The envergonha denunciation Brazil. These agents had acted in the military dictatorship, until the moment that president Geisel gave one is enough. ' Of who it is the Amaznia, after all? ' , he says ' New York Times' The American Periodical ' ' New York Times' ' it published in 18 of May, a news article with the heading ' ' Of who afinal&#039 is the Amaznia; ' , placing in xeque the Brazilian sovereignty on the forest. Three days before New York Times, the daily English ' ' The Independent' ' it wrote: ' ' this part (the Amaznia) is very important to be left with brasileiros' '. Days later, the Spanish Periodical El Country left which clearly the intentions: ' ' The world has the eyes ranks in the wealth of floresta' '.

E is not for another reason that some schools of U.S.A. already present the map of Brazil without the Amaznia and the Pantanal. To only have an idea, the Brazilian Legal Amaznia with 9 states occupies 61% of the Brazilian territory, what it is equivalent the half of the Europe.


Contasdo City

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It brought, still, in its bulge, the supramentioned program, action of utmost importance, as: modernization and equipment of the PolciasCivil and Militar; implantation and promotion of the Communitarian Policy; emelhoria expansion of the physical net of the security system; reequipamento of UnidadesPoliciais and administrative, and magnifying and qualification of the policialcivil and military cash. This program was white of analysis for the doEstado Court of Accounts – TCE (to see Executive Summary distributed by the Agency) and counted to compreviso of budgetary resources of R$647.378 millions, of which somenteR$240.547 millions had been pledged, representing destarte, 37% of the foreseen one, oque, lastimavelmente, if configure a great deficiency in the management, have vistaa importance of the program for the bahian society. The verdict of this test of inefficacy in the management of the recursospblicos ones came to tona with its result, therefore the reduction in the investments narea of public security and specifically in the auditadas actions, contribuiupara the permanence or aggravation of the deficiencies that had been sistematicamenteapontadas in the report elaborated for the TCE, in which we detach, the heading deexemplo: the deficiency in the atinentea area material resources (viaturas, fuel, armaments and the ammunition, equipment of individual protection, physical installations (with prominence for ascelas overcrowded and in precarious been of conservation) etc) and the deficiency in the management of human resources (effective, conditions of work, deficiencies in the formation courses ecapacitao of the policemen etc), amongst others. It is not intended here, with this text, to discourage nem’ ‘ alfinetar’ ‘ with negative aspects, salutar and beneficial program that however sedeflagra, which comes bringing resulted satisfactory in other beings TCE/Court of Contasdo City – TCM), therefore even so the program in guideline is of the Federal Government, executado in partnership with the states and cities. However, it is necessary to emphasize, for a reason or purpose reflection, oque only decrees article 144 of the Federal Constitution when it establishes that ‘ ‘ the public security is to have of the State, right and responsibility of todos’ ‘ , therefore, they participate actively eabracem this program as if he was ‘ ‘ tnel’ ‘ , therefore, without the participation of all impossible it will be to long for the intended objective. Concluding, it is to salutar to stand out that the application of the Programa’ ‘ Territory of Paz’ ‘ it means the arrival simultaneous of projects that if articulamno social and police scope, atrelados the social action and of security pblicade preventive character e, without the shadow of a doubt, is of basic importnciapara the bahian society, that, untiringly, comes begging for the conquest dreamed dato social peace. They cover of the State the fulfilment of its duty and fight pelasconquistas of its rights, with comprometimento and responsibility. (*) The author is Bachelor in Sciences Econmicase After-Graduate Public administration for the College Visconde de Cairu..