Monthly Archives: July 2018


Human Development

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Now you must construct the foundations underneath him. That it has dreams enjoys the preponderant power of the vision focused towards a time that are to come with its logical uncertainty and his inescapable surprises, but, that yes, with its immense possibilities in fact of turning the utopia, represented in a beautiful picture to which it only needs the linen cloth or a building to which, as Shaw suggests, lack to only do the foundation to him. The dreams, the intensity of them and the frequency whereupon are had divide to the world in two. On the one hand they are who struggle in the flat way of the foreseeable and sterile certainty where they are given to the arms of the routine, and on the other those that to pure pulse and block to block construct the building of the progress. The North American retailer James Penny Cash reaffirms previously exposed in his own words: Mustrame a worker with great dreams and in him you will find a man who can change history. Mustrame a man without dreams, and in him you will find to a simple worker.

To be sleepy or not to have them, that is the principle of construction of a different reality. If somebody taking its utopia unites and it to the constant and disciplined work and it adds a good dose to him of passion, will be next to have a happy encounter with his future and the success, that its fight with a warm welcome and a brotherly hug will award. Alexander Rutto Martinez is a prestigious journalist and Colombian, tie writer like educational to several Colombian universities. She is author of four books and coauthor of other three in whom one approaches the subject of the leadership, the ethics and the Human Development. Frequently he is invitadocomo academic lecturer to congresses, forums and other events. Pngase in contact with him through corrreo or lla it to me to cellular 300 8055526.



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The ordinary person wants to build its business on the Internet! He has heard about this, that business is very profitable and interesting, but does not know where to start. He thinks it's difficult, he has no skills, no good, in general, he does not understand that to anything. Do not know about you, but I'm just beginning! A person browsing the internet a lot of material about his business in the network looks testimonials from those who came, and of course those who do not work, listens to relatives, friends and acquaintances who, because just as he about it do not know anything and are advised to leave these crazy ideas, because everything is very difficult. Better to have your job, to work, earn experience and with peace of mind to retire. Somehow survive to then live in retirement at his pleasure! I want to ask, but before retirement, that there is no life? No need to enjoy yourself and please your loved ones? Pension – it is something that we should strive? In retirement you will be financially free? My answer is NO! A Yours? So, what is needed for business on the Internet? First and most importantly – desire! The desire to remake their lives, to become master of his life, earning not to exist, and to life that brings joy. As the saying goes "It would be desire and everything will be "The second thing to sell? Product you can sell. If you do not have it, sell someone else and get a commission.


Peru Generates Admiration

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Ongoing dialogue, clear rules, public investment in infrastructure and incentives, this seems to be the recipe for Peru which has generated admiration by other countries and which has led to the Chilean site strategy to devote an article requesting the Chilean authorities that they imitate the initiatives of the neighboring country. For Chilean entrepreneurs, the Peruvian market is of particular importance since it is the third destination of their direct investments abroad and, according to the information provided by the Chilean site strategy, from 1990 to June of this year, it recorded a turnover of US $6,293 million in Chilean investments. The attraction of Peru as a destination for Chilean investments continues to grow to the point that it ranked first, with $601 million, in the first half of 2008, and with prospects to continue increasing. It is the Government of Alan Garcia has shown to have clear objectives to support the growth and development of the Peruvian economy through investment incentive productive. Peru makes permanent efforts to attract foreign investment, even in these times where most of the other countries of the planet are concentrated on the effects of the international financial crisis, in Peru is still thinking about attracting investments. Is that the best response to the crisis is for the Peruvian President, Alan Garcia,: making that investment will continue, guaranteeing stable rules of the game, that converts to the Peru in a country’s capital and investment who leave other countries to investors. Thus, while the ghost of recession has been installed in the first world, the Peruvian economy expects to grow 9.5 per cent this year and between 6% and 7% for the coming year, this largely through the impetus of productive investment. What Peru offers both local and foreign investors? Firstly, Peru protects the investor, either local or foreign. This is what the President of the Chileno-Peruana Chamber of Commerce, says Jorge Sumalavia, saying: the Government protects foreign investment in all fields: mining, energy, concessions, retail.


The Translator And His Task

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The translator distinguishes between language and speech, form and content, code and message. The translator is not a mere Transcriber of linguistic codes for essentials in translation is the message and this, is hidden in the entirety of the expression. Therefore, it is not translating words but ideas. A translation shall be done properly if it is faithful to the original idea, not to the words, which are mere instruments of those. To reach this, the analysis of the text in its entirety is essential. The text divise in dialectical units which are which are articulating the reasoning. Therefore, you must start by having the Vision general or general idea that the original text you want to transmit, and then see how it can go articulating in the form of reasoning through dialectical units. When the reasoning is articulating, goes by establishing a game of ideas in which these are are relating with each other to achieve an aim (the transmission of the general idea).

In this game it is important that predominates the clarity and that is not affected by the insecurity resulting from the difference between cultures and different languages, between the original language and the target language. The idiomatic differences, expressions, and even cultural differences, which also left their mark on the language, should be very aware at the time that the meaning of Fund that the original text you want to communicate is not lost. In short, it is essential to carefully read the initial text to capture the essence of the same, and transcribe language goal clearly and logically, following the reasonings drawn on dialectical units, functional but way enriched with the colors of the target language. If the end result conveys the essence, the soul of the text base with fidelity, clarity and richness, is that the objective has been achieved.


Field Marketing

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This communication is face to face fundamental to reach with your message and involving the public in your fight. Field Marketing is our great ally at short distances. Antonio Gonzalez, Medical Director of the is world alternative, tool capable of eliminating the advantage that, until today, had large companies when communicating their products. Now, any company, regardless of its economic potential, can access this extraordinary instrument that enables interactivity, creativity and personal communication actions, direct and able to promote the necessary complicity between all product/brand with your target audience. That is why salute with joy this new formula: imagination + proximity = guaranteed success. Gerardo Gonzalez Otero, CEO of G2O PUBLISPORT Field Marketing has made products that promotes be perceived otherwise, humanizing them and associating them to activities that potential customers perceive as their own. This makes products that are everyday in our lives, to come to our minds by experience or a way of living.

So brands individualized become something else and when you enjoy them you think that estashaciendo something more than simply consume it. The marketing field is a living tool that allows to develop the humanization of the brands projecting new routes so that products are perceived in a different way. Charles Juste, responsible for Channel Retail Territorial Center Vodafone Spain under my point of view, the Field Marketing is one of the branches of Marketing that more insured must have its continuity, since it is what allows the interaction with the user, through the human element.What that human element is so fundamental, could be a double-edged weapon, since you leave your image, your brand, and all the values that it fall into a person. Therefore, to get the field campaign to succeed, it is essential that person that it develops, this: motivated, know in depth the framework of game moves (positioning, strengths, competition, etc), and have a refined left hand to know out of compromising situations. If so, the success of the action will be secured. Antonio Khalaf, Marketing Manager for Yell field marketing allows us to access the client through the emotions.Thanks to the loyal marketing we can interact with the customer and make totally different to traditional marketing campaigns. Oscar Soriano, Director General Tiberauto our society lives immersed within the so-called attention economy and therefore the physical contact, the sense of belonging with the branding and customization of information received by the customer, key concepts within the field current marketing becomes increasingly more effective.


Falko Muller

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You date at a specific date in a specific business, to jointly buy. Carrotmob “stands figuratively for a donkey who is enticed and led to a certain target with the carrot. The shops and markets to join are animated according to this principle: for the Carrotmob the business that is ready to employ the highest proportion of revenues for climate protection is usually awarded. Balance sheet: Protecting targeted consumer climate in Germany the first Carrotmob launched in June 2009 in Berlin in the role. Since then, in Germany, there were many car red mobs, as for example in Munich, Bonn, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Cologne and Bremen.

So far, the actions of energy-saving measures have initiated will prevent in the future more than 100 tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition, the visitors are motivated by their targeted shopping, to remain active and to save energy in your own four walls. Save energy at home help the interactive energy saving Advisor. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science, policy and management, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”( and motivated with various creative actions to active climate protection: in addition to the nationwide support of car red mobs the campaign has shot the first climate-friendly video of the world in Berlin carried out the first German Green clubbing night, from classical to rock climate-friendly organized musical events. How to contact with Falko Muller co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86-12 – fax: 030 / 210 21 86-60 E-Mail: falko.mueller(at) co2online – Klima.sucht.Schutz