We are living in an age of transistion. Not of more holding. The companies need to assume a position total directed toward its customers. In case that contrary, they will be abandoned by them or surpassed by the competitors. The organizations total need to be adherent to the innovations, to be prepared and until if advancing to the constant changes. They need to be each time more sensible to the customers and most prepared to be adjusted to a new profile of market. To say the language of the consumers and to have them as bigger reference, as well as counting on a staff sensetized for the necessities and desires of the public-target, demand changes in the structure, the body of employees and, many times, in the mind of the people who are in command position. I have observed diverse organizations that if they show flexible to amoldarem in accordance with the necessities and requirements of the market and to guarantee its place of prominence.
Others, however, still stop an internal battle, where many people do not have a vision of marketing they give more value to the routine questions. The problem is not only in the high administration, is also in the operational level. The employees if had accustomed to fulfill its routines exclusively. They feel themselves safe they fulfill when it. When they need to leave the rules and regulations to be taken care of to a special order of some customer, seem to have the special pleasure in saying the word & ldquo; no& rdquo;. They are felt safer, not having that to open a possible exception. She is necessary that the directions leave its rooms and search to follow more than close what occurs in the front-end one.
Making this, summer of close that it has left of its staff is & ldquo; cristalizado& rdquo; e, probably, not yet works with the due integration and vision directed toward the customer. In diverse cases, pode& ndash; if to observe the existence of closed groups and a teams properly said, in which all are made use to contribute with the function of the other, not substituting, complementing, following and having the same objective greater, that is full and constant satisfaction of the customer. To transmit empatia is responsibility of all, in the company. Either through the telephone, of the personal sales, in the site, the moment of the delivery or the relations of after-sales, the necessary objective to be always directed for the search of the best solution for the customer. The way is possible of being trod and the objective biggest, reached. All have responsibility in the process to generate trustworthiness, to improve the reply capacity and to extend the security that the organization passes to the customers in each negotiation. She is necessary to understand the behavior of the people and to transform the organization into something molded to take care of them, today and in the future. This thought sends in them to the words of Professor Philip Kotler: & ldquo; Most important it is to foresee for where the customers are going and to arrive primeiro& there; rdquo;. Master in marketing, administrator, professor of MBA in marketing and management, professor of after-graduation in the UNI-BH and director of the RT Consultoria and Treinamento.