Day of the Boyfriends or Day of Is Valentim, as well as is known in some countries, is a date that homages the loving relations (generally namoro), having exchange of gifts between the partners. It has diverse contradictory histories regarding the life of Valentim, one of them is that in Rome, century III existed a priest with this name that fought against the imposition of emperor Claude II, that it forbade the soldiers of if they had married for alleging that thus its income would be better in the wars. Exactly with such prohibition, the priest private continued celebrating marriages. As he did not resign to the Christianity, he was led to the death. In the arrest, the priest knows the son blind of a jailer and if he gets passionate for this, returning to it vision to it.

The girl receives a message from farewell of Valentim before dying, that she was signed as ' ' Its Namorado' '. The date of its death, 14 of February, precedes the eve of the parties in homage Juno (goddess of the woman and the marriage) and Par (god of the nature), where it had a ritual for the conquest of fertility where sarcedotes beat in the women with gold leather straps so that these were fertile. They also say that in century XVII England and France had started to celebrate the date of the priest with the union of the Day of the Boyfriends. Moreover, another speculation is that date 14 of February would be in the Average Age the first day of acasalamento of the birds, making with that many left messages of love in the doors-sill of the loved doors of its in this date. In Brazil, date 12 of June as Day of the Boyfriends is commemorated since 1949, when the advertising executive Dria Joo brought the idea of the other countries. June was chosen by being one month with low sales, beyond preceding the commemoration of the day of Saint Antonio, saint of the marriage. In the United States the day is commemorated in 14 of February and it is not focada only in the relation of love between boyfriends, since cards are sent for diverse people, until members of the family.

The Day of the Boyfriends is characterized by the exchange of loving messages, being that from century XIX, the written by hand messages had passed to be substituted by the cards. Moreover, it has a estimate of about a billion of cards being sent for the date annually. If you to want to presentear the loved person in a very interesting way and without spending money, you you can enter in the site MoldurasdeFoto.Me and presentear it with a gorgeous photo with frame. He is alone to choose the frame and the ready image and! He does not leave to confer the beautiful frames for photos of day of the boyfriends. You have a beautiful souvenir to surprise to who you you love!