The planning in the New State (1930 the 1945): a critical analysis of this period Summary: This text carries through a critical analysis of the planning in the Government Vargas during the New State (1930-45), time of deep transformations in Brazil. For in such a way she is necessary to make the due apprehension of the social, economic context, cultural politician and of this period. In this direction, it fits to stand out that this work does not aim at to deplete the consideraes regarding the subject, but is considered to trace elucidative consideraes, allowing to unmask the marcantes peculiarities in the formatting of the planning, being understood its intrinsic connection with the concepts of State and development, histo richly situated and ideologically guided. 1.Contexto historical the revolution of 1930 that it marks the destruction of the Brazilian oligarchical regimen, as well as the decay of the dominant agrarian elite of the country, makes to emerge a new hegemonic classroom: the urban bourgeoisie. This process has origin in the increasing industrialization, that delayed it arrives at Brazil, folloied of the fall in the taxes of sales of the coffee, until then our main product for exportation. The world passed for the consequncias of the fall of the stock exchange of New York, whose joined solution was the adoption of the Keynsian standard of social regulation, notadamente marked for the defense of the state intervention in the gasping economy, with sights to create the full job, to foment the consumption and thus to put into motion the market. This trend followed different vieses in the diverse countries. In the Brazilian case interventionism was brought obtains the tenebrous ballast of our culture politics, characterized for ' ' ismos' ': coronelismo, mandonismo, patriarcalismo, authoritarianism, clientelismo, labourism, Populism between outros.1 Agreeing these endogenous factors and we exgemos, the result was the characterized miscegenation of trends in the country, always harmonious a convivncia nor between new and old, or better nor the so new nor so old one.
September 18, 2016 by
Critical Analysis
Categories: General, Tags: society and culture