Of this form, one searchs arrives in port theoretician who it allows in to understand them the historical process of imbricao between legislation and practical results in the school. Also in this work it will be possible to detach the characteristics of professionalizing average education and its implications in the social life of being educated and which the possible interferences that the ENEM has caused in this modality of education. 1. INTRODUCTION The intrinsic social inaquality to the capitalist state made possible that the distinct orientaes were relegated to average education in agreement the economic context. Thus, the permanent legacy between the professionalizing vises and the academics if have promulgated in all the reforms of education, disclosing its elitist character. The globalizado world, in the current stage of world-wide magnifying of the capitalism, products and information that circulate with more agility has produced an intensification of the competitiveness and the increase of the unemployment.
Thus, in sight of the modification of the society in face of the globalization, the capacity to learn to learn is basic quality necessary to compete in the work market. With this, continuous or permanent the learning has been detached as reference not only to that already they meet in the work market, but also to that in it they will enter short term. In this way, the domain of the scientific and technological contents of the production is emphasized as required so that the pupil has an adequate profile to the new society. Equally, today the pupils who obtain to complete basic education will have to face the new curricular lines of direction of the average education, whose express objective is to develop the full citizenship. Soon, we must understand that the educational reforms undertaken by the Brazilian state, notadamente the reform of average education, if inserts in a meeting of social forces and politics that had become the debate on the pertaining to school education an enclosure for bullfighting politics. .