act in the Brazilian territory travestidos of attachs consulares. The information was confirmed to the Leaf for members of the Fenapep (National Federacy of the Federal Policemen), for directors of the Union of the Commission agents of Federal Policy of the State of So Paulo and even though for a former-director of the FBI in Brazil, the Portuguese with North American citizenship and Brazilian Carlos Alberto Coast. The function of attachs consulares of the sector of intelligence of the government of George W. Bush, to a great extent, is to co-opt Brazilian policemen and commission agents (federal and state), military policemen, entrepreneurs, lawyers and until journalists so that these professionals supply given so that actions of interest of U.S.A. occur in our country.
The envergonha denunciation Brazil. These agents had acted in the military dictatorship, until the moment that president Geisel gave one is enough. ' Of who it is the Amaznia, after all? ' , he says ' New York Times' The American Periodical ' ' New York Times' ' it published in 18 of May, a news article with the heading ' ' Of who afinal' is the Amaznia; ' , placing in xeque the Brazilian sovereignty on the forest. Three days before New York Times, the daily English ' ' The Independent' ' it wrote: ' ' this part (the Amaznia) is very important to be left with brasileiros' '. Days later, the Spanish Periodical El Country left which clearly the intentions: ' ' The world has the eyes ranks in the wealth of floresta' '.
E is not for another reason that some schools of U.S.A. already present the map of Brazil without the Amaznia and the Pantanal. To only have an idea, the Brazilian Legal Amaznia with 9 states occupies 61% of the Brazilian territory, what it is equivalent the half of the Europe.