As the race concept is known is tied with the viscera of century XIX. When, then, racist theories emerge that explained/legitimized the social reality, to leave, of the biological concept of race, for which they forged a hierarchy and gradation enters the individuals of the species human being. Such theoreticians explicitavam, thick way, the subalternidade inferiority of the blacks and indians before ‘ ‘ vigorous man branco’ ‘. Connect with other leaders such as Danny Meyer here. He horrified them, over all, the possibility of crossing between beings so ‘ ‘ distant in the scale zoolgica’ ‘. How they consider Hebe Matos, in Slavery and Citizenship in Brazil Empire, the use social politician and of the notion of race – constructed in century XIX? he is narrowly on, in the American continent, with the contradictions between the civil laws and inherent politicians the republican citizenship installed in the continent? more delayed in Brazil. But this on one, over all, with the long o process of abolition of the captivity and its implications social.
Such theories had reverberated strong in the Brazilian intellectual thought? notadamente the 1870 generation? that it started to consider solutions for ‘ ‘ our problem of mestiagem’ ‘. Soon, they had suggested one politics of branqueamento, whose basic rock stimulates would be it of the emigration of the European population. The Brazilian racial thought operated for a considerable time established in this raciolgico paradigm. However, new readings appear of the racial relations in Brazil, whose recital was to consider a releitura of the Brazilian mestization. Opposing it perception of the harmful mestization with ‘ ‘ order social’ ‘ ; appear interpretations? notadamente Freyre (1933)? what choose the process of the mestization – endowed with positive value? as the element most characteristic of the national identity. Interpreting in a less conflitiva and more harmonic way the Brazilian racial relations. When comparing the process of interaction of whites and not-whites in Brazil and the United States, some authors they had been able to suggest that the preconceptions and discriminations had been eliminated here in the process of Brazilian settling, after all, did not have a legal segregation nor so clamorous cultural conflicts how much the North Americans.