Poet, philologist, essayist, literary critic and theorist of literature. A pupil of the Jesuits and the Augustinians Chamartin of El Escorial. Bachelor of Laws and Doctor of Philosophy. He has been a reader of Spanish at the Universities of Berlin and Cambridge. Professor at Oxford, Leipzig, Yale, Harvard, San Juan de Puerto Rico.

Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Valencia (1936-1939) and Romance Philology in Madrid (1939-1968). Academy of History and director of the Spanish to the death of Menendez Pidal. Damaso Alonso died in Madrid on January 25, 1990. In his literary work must be taken into account in prose narratives Torcedor twilight and violin, Certificate of eternity and a Milky Way. As a poet, his first book Poems cigars.

Poemillas City, appeared in 1921. In that year are also the poems The Wind and the verse. It was in 1944 when Damaso, besides publishing his transcendental Essays on Spanish poetry, that enters deeply into the poetry of the Golden Age, published two books of poems of great poetic emotion Dark news and Children of Wrath. “To express freely needed the terrible shock of the Spanish war. ” Children of Wrath was a kind of earthquake that subverted the layers poetic and brought out to light the latent strata that no one spoke, breaking the formalism and shake the conscience. Damaso Alonso was a buzzing in Madrid, was very famous among the the generation of 27, his tenth Astrana dedicated to Marin, who criticized daily Gongora “My lord Don Luis Astrana, / miserable criticastro / you you start with star / to end a frog …” Vicente Aleixandre tells us he met Damaso Alonso in the summer of 1917. “It was moving more, he says, and came to his passion hidden poetry.” Ruben Dario you read? “I remember his word (…). vehement passionate were the first words I heard about poetry.” Another great Andalusian poet Rafael Alberti Damaso told us: “I was gifted in poetry as the best, but wrote little, because of his exaggerated self-criticism and hence this sort of disappointment and insecurity that crushed him.” He has been the image of this huge Damaso, master essential, not to even finish all rely on teachers, and kind man, simple transfusion in his poetry is all fear, contradictions and mistrust of himself, and all men, by dint of trust worldwide. And as the poet said: “Ladies, I would like to see / how long ago I saw you. / As I was for some time, / you see me.” Francisco Arias Solis did not have the freedom to not have their thirst.