Introduction, 2-Concept of public office; 3 – Constitutional recital; 4-Characterization of the public office: 4,1 Accessibility to all the Brazilians; 4,2 Denomination and attributions prprias.4.3 Elective offices 5 – Measured of security Former-President of the Republic; 6-Conclusion Introduction: The objective of this work is to analyze, beyond the legal nature of Position of the President and Vice-president of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especificadamente the denomination of this position, face the recent election of the candidate Mrs. Edilma Russef. Subjects as this have been argued and analyzed in the Free courses of Continued Education of Prof. PaulODiniz. It sees in.
2-Concept of public office the public office is the set of attributions and responsibilities foreseen in the legislation that must be committed to the public server constitutional 3-Recital accessible positions to the Brazilians and the foreigners the positions, jobs and public offices are accessible to the Brazilians who fill the requirements established in law, as well as the foreigners in the form of the law (interpolated proposition I of art. 37, C.F. Amended). Art. 12 3 Is privative of born Brazilians the positions: I? of President and Vice-president of the Republic; 4-Characterization of the public office the public offices have proper denomination, paid expiration for the public coffers, provisions in effective character, commission, or elective offices, being accessible to all Brazilians who fill the requirements established in law, as well as the foreigners in the form of the law.
4,1 Accessibility to all the Brazilians who take care of to the requirements foreseen in law as well as the foreigners in the form of the law. Positions exist that only can be filled by born Brazilians. The Constitution establishes that they are privative of born Brazilian, the positions: of President and Vice-president of the Republic, of Speaker of the house; of President of the Federal Senate; of Minister of the Supreme Federal Court; of Minister of the Defense; of the Career Diplomatics and of Officer of the Armed Forces.