Tag Archives: art


The World Of The Jews: Orthodox And Liberal, People, Religion And State. 148

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God’s chosen people determines our crops sustainably. The smallest Western religion is considered for historical reasons, especially in Germany with particular caution. A brief description of the main rules of Judaism will show that historically the following Christianity and Islam here derive his daily religious practice. In Europe, we speak of a Judeo Christian Western culture. Islam has contributed much later, some practical achievements but hardly sound philosophies.

Key the life practice is, as the Chinese say, are the actions. More information is housed here: McPlant. (a) fixed, customs, rules of life – religion in the life practice of the Jews: the first and most important holiday in the Jewish calendar is the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week. He reminds of the creation, God rested after their completion, as it says in the Bible. 613 Obligations are mentioned in the Torah. Called the sum of all religious commandments and prohibitions in the Jewish Halakha. In addition to the adherence to the ten commandments among others also includes Dietary laws and purity requirements. The Rabbi is responsible for the religious life of the community.

But rabbis perform any priestly functions and are also no priest. In Orthodox Judaism, all functions are fulfilled by men at the community prayer in the synagogue. The woman is the promoting of domestic piety. In reform Judaism, as well as with the Conservatives there Rabbinerinnen and Kantorinnen worldwide. b) 50dB(a) “you eternal, our God, King of the world were praised,…” The day is marked in Judaism by three prayer times: afternoon prayer, morning prayer, evening prayer – at home or in the synagogue. Almost at every opportunity, religious Jews have blessings and praises on the lips. There, etc. special praise sayings for each kind of food, when seeing a rainbow, while listening to a message. At least a hundred such blessings to be said every day. You are also the basic structure of daily prayer, which requires the tradition in the morning, afternoon and evening.


Poetry And Reality Of The Abrahamic Religion

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The Old Testament is not a history book, but the three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is a history book as followers of the Abrahamic religion. When did this come about? Who created it? What’s it with Abraham? What was the vision of the Abrahamic religion? Successor religions consider very different from their predecessors. They were already always at odds, who best keeps the heritage. From Judaism, the Abrahamic religion is considered early in its history. Christianity interprets the Abrahamic religion as a precursor of the new testament; only in Jesus Christ fulfilled the old testament. Thus, both interpretations of the originality of the Abrahamic religion deny its importance. Disambiguation Abraham was not the founder of a religion, how about Muhammad was the founder of Islam, or there would be no Christianity without Jesus Christ. The Abrahamic religion is founded by people, representing however given her work as from God.

Them is to a group of people who remained largely anonymous. Of Biblical figures such as Ezekiel, Ezra, Nehemiah, we can assume that they were heavily involved. Except for them it will have been leading men of the priests stand. Also it has been the emergence of the Abrahamic religion to a more protracted process of forming. Because Abraham was not a religious founder, we cannot speak of the religion of Abraham. The Abrahamic religion based on Abraham as the symbolic father.

Who was Abraham? Abraham is a symbol character. Abraham met in the Bible as a wanderer from Mesopotamia to Canaan. There were countless such wandering Arameans who were travelling with her family and her flock in search for pastures. The biblical Abraham is considered as chosen by God, and promised him the land for the future people of God. Remarkable makes the old testament unspecified, Abraham to allocate time. It lacks the usual time for life data, such as \”it happened in the year so and so the Government of King’s x in country y\”.


Petersburg Valery Ilyushkina

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Valery was born June 18, 1939 in the town of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region. 40 years ago, graduated from the Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School. VI Fly. Since 1972, she teaches activities. Since 1998, a member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. What is he, Petersburg Valery Ilyushkina? This is a warm and joyous city, rich in bright clean colors. There are no dull St.

Petersburg "greyness". On the contrary, much of the sun and in the southern blue sky. Landscapes almost deserted: only some of them "animated" small figures. Despite this, in St. Petersburg on the canvases of the artist is amazingly friendly, proportionate to the person.

This is not a modern metropolis living in a mad rhythm, and cozy town whose life takes a measured and degrees. All is full of harmony and tranquility, colored with bright colors of life. On examination master paintings have a feeling the same style, a kind of "handwriting" of the artist: decorative, bright colors, the lack of detail, substantial "weight" of the form. Valery – a true artist. Color in His canvases clearly dominates the other painting. It seems that the artist perceives the world primarily through color. Very interesting sketches for paintings. It is these quick sketches by looking at the world through the eyes of an artist: to see a slushy winter Petersburg pink and pale shades of salad or enjoy the sunlight playing on the wall high-rises. Probably, many passed by Avtovo circus without paying much attention to his dusty tent. And, suddenly, in his study of Valery Ilyushkina he appears unexpectedly meaningful and attractive. In the artist's works are beautiful not only picturesque corners of the historic center St. Petersburg, but also ordinary buildings "sleeping" areas. In addition to landscapes, still lifes, Valery Ilyushkin writes. They are made so juicy and "delicious", it becomes clear that, with what pleasure the artist wrote them. Especially I want to note filled with joy and spring mood, "Still Life with Tulips" and "etching machine," which could easily be called "Portrait of etching machine," so it looks inspired by picture.



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Photo exhibition in the Duisburg Innenhafen Duisburg inner harbour, 16th 2010 – positive surprise reflected photographer Friedhelm Krischer about the resonance of the late Sunday to end photo exhibition in NEW YORK STORIES. After an opening which exceed the expectation on March 4 with more than 200 guests from politics, economy and culture more than 300 visitors visited the exhibition at the inner harbour alone on the first two opening weekends. Krischer shows particularly pleased about the huge interest in the purchase of images: “… where a conventional exhibition at a single sold exhibit from a success speaks, we have up to now over 20 sold images… the subject of New York is a perennial favourite and the authentic implementation of the classic Street-style makes the city for the people can be experienced.” the author explains.

Interested visitors can get the photographs from Thursday until Sunday, 21.3 18: 00 in the foyer of the Werhahnmuhle see. Address: Werhahnmuhle, Philosophenweg 31-33, 47051 Duisburg Inner harbour. Info: Who unfortunately can not visit the photo exhibition of NEW YORK STORIES in Duisburg’s inner harbour, yet you want to experience the motives, can visit NEW YORK STORIES online and get a fantastic insight into the metropolis of metropolis by an outright change of perspective, that the global world has in common with our local. (Photographs by:) Press release: krischerfotografie / Agency: Vonmaro Dickhoff & Gummel,


Original Body

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Osho invites us to observe in depth the contents of the mind. Then we will make us aware of the origin; then we go into the origin. It is awesome, because everything you’ve known as oneself, will die. It is a fact certain that we have a death, a personality, everything will die, because personality, identity, ego, all are in the dust, the dust accumulated around of your being. Only be remain without name and form.

And this sutra says that this is the preparatory bathroom. Only now you’re able to enter, and so far just push yourself. At the moment in which you are purified in the instant that you’ve crossed this bathroom, the instant in which the karmas have dissolved, you need not already make no effort. The desire is related to life, but life may also lack of desires. But then life itself becomes impossible. If all desires vanish, then the body cannot continue already more because the body is just an instrument for wishes see grocery stores…

Biologists say now that we have developed the senses because of the desires, and that if you could want persistently, the body would develop new senses. That have eyes is due only to the wishes. Usually, we believe that it is because we have eyes by what we see. No! Biologists say that since there is a desire to see, the eyes are developed. If the desire to see isn’t there, the eyes disappear. Whole body exists due to desires. Krishnamurti points us, we are a result of the past, and to build upon him without understanding it, provoking disaster. The mind, which is a result, a composite, fails to understand what isn’t made up of fragments, which lacks cause and is independent of time. Any belief necessarily belongs to the past, to created; and it constitutes an impediment to the experimentation of the real thing. When thinking? feel is anchored, in a State of dependence, the understanding of the real thing is impossible. There has to be a frank and serene liberation from the past, a spontaneous flood of silence; only under such conditions can flourish that which is real. Our thinking and feeling indicates Krishnamurti, are corrupted by greed, by the corrosive waves of memory. Only a State of awareness alerts and deep puts an end to this absorbing process of the past. Greed, like pleasure, always limited and singularises it. And how thinking born of greed would understand what is immeasurable? What ye are, la is the world: If you are cruel, sensual, ignorant, greedy; so shall the world. Your belief in God, or your disbelief in its regard, mean very little. Ye shall only with your thoughts, feelings and actions, indeed, do the world a terrible, cruel, barbarous thing, or a place of peace, compassion and wisdom… (will continue II/II) Original author and source of the article.