We do work to other neighbors in the schedule. If there are monitoring and checking the pressure, it is difficult to comply fully assigned tasks. When they get bored or have other offers, have no qualms about going without, almost without warning. When you are dishonest, theft occur rarest of appliances, tools, products, animals, eggs and milk; in sensitive cases, threats, extortion and kidnapping. Almost none is discrete, however, speak without restraint to the dozen, think of everything, know everything, intrude into every conversation.
And at the end of the employment relationship, has the guaranteed demand, always with the support of the office work. Know more about labor law lawyers and the law always protects without any consideration for the pattern, which is always the reincarnation of the devil, no matter how just or noble or solidarity that has been with him and his family. And when you manage to get some production to the little bit of land, when you find accounts that are eggs, fruit or harvesting more expensive in the world, the value of the hen that did breed, had given a feast of pheasant, which sick cow that is always the one that the fish stocked in the company who are dying are one, not the butler. The best thing is to take the capital and instead of burying it on a farm that is a delusion that does not generate but costly expenses invest, and what occurred, one can take the tour you want, rent the other poor farm already took the bait, go to inns, go to villages to the coast or even abroad, with the interest alone, without ulcers, rabies, friends Conchucos exploiters and the exploited and abusive overseers Born November 12, 1964 in Amaga (Antioquia), Colombia. Physician, specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Gynecologic Laparoscopy.